Education program
Education program

Improving girls’ education can help pull families, and perhaps even the country, out of the poverty cycle. Every additional year of education of a girl child yields a 10-25 percent increase in the income of a woman. An educated woman will then reinvest over 90% of their income into her family. Helping a girl complete her schooling will double the likelihood that she will send her own children to school.

Supporting girls with scholastic materials


TWIN implements several activities focused at enrolling and keeping a girl in school as detailed below

Life skills training for young girls

Life skills training for young girls

  • Support girls to access education and stay in school by providing scholastic materials, tuition fees and other school items.
  • Improve the quality of education and services in schools to have the required resources that will enable girls to stay in education.
  • To conduct adult literacy classes for women.
  • To train women and girls in entrepreneurship and vocational life skills for self-reliance and increased incomes.